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Storm Water

Please contact our team for specialised help and advice for your pump and equipment selection.

storm water

Storm water duties can require the transfer of very large volumes of water at low differential heads. In many situations pumps are situated in shallow water courses and in brackish water.

Borehole Pumps

Both mixed flow and radial flow borehole pumps in cast iron, stainless steel and duplex materials for flows up to 4,000 m3/hr and heads of 700m - polder pump configurations available for all models.

Line shaft Pumps

Centrifugal, mixed flow and axial flow pump options are available in cast iron, stainless steel and duplex materials for flows over 40,000 m3/hr and heads of over 700 m.

High Volume Submersible Pumps

Mixed flow and axial flow pump options are available in cast iron, stainless steel and duplex materials for flows of up to 144,000 m3/hr.

Series 200
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Eoin Cahill
Water & Wastewater, Power generation, Construction & Mining
Brian Coleman
Food & Beverage Sectors.
Brajan Saraci
Pharmaceutical, BioPharma, Chemical and Petrochemical Sectors

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