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fluidity.nonstop fluidity

DELTA DE3 Valves

Due to its hygienic design, the APV DELTA DE3 valve is ideal for applications in industries such as brewery, beverage, dairy, as well as within the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.

Key specifications

  • Pressure Up To 10 bar

Product description

The APV DELTA DE3 double seat valve combines all the advantages of a modern mixproof valve: waterhammer protection, leakage free change-over operation, as well as easy service and maintenance. For applications which do not require a seat lifting device, the APV DELTA DE3 provides a cost effective alternative to the super-technology of the APV DELTA DA3+ valve. Due to its hygienic design, the APV DELTA DE3 valve is ideal for applications in industries such as brewery, beverage, dairy, as well as within the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.

Features and benefits

Safe separation of media

Two independently working valve shafts in combination with a large leakage chamber ensure 100% safe separation of incompatible fluids.

Hygienic valve design

No sump nor dome due to the smooth ball shaped valve housing design. The self draining valve housing is fitted with leakproof profile seals.

Water hammer safe

The valve is fully balanced and safeguards operation even in case of water hammer in the upper or lower housing.

Minimal leakage during on/off function

When the valve closes, the residual fluid trapped between housing and valve shaft drains off by itself, reducing leakage to an absolute minimum.

100% cleaning of leakage chamber

The neutral area between the two valve seats is efficiently cleaned by means of a built-in spray nozzle. Compact and ergonomic design, combined with limited overall dimensions facilitate installation and maintenance.

Reduced maintenance requirements

Valve inspection does not require compressed air. Only 5 product-wetted seals in the product area. Upper, middle and lower seat seals are identical. Upper and lower shaft seals are also identical to each other, a fact which considerably facilitates maintenance. The valve actuator is completely maintenance-free and covered by a five-year APV guarantee.

APV DELTA DE3 Valve Applications

The APV DELTA DE3 valve is ideal for installation into any hygienic process plant where safe separation of media from each other or from CIP fluid must be ensured. Any leakages that might occur will be safely drained off through the large leakage chamber.

Cleaning takes place during pipe cleaning of upper and lower valve areas respectively and by means of the spray nozzle in the leakage chamber.

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Max Nominal Dimension
Min Nominal Dimension


Max. diff. press.
10 bar




CE Marking


ISO 9001

Brian Coleman
Food & Beverage Sectors.