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ISV Butterfly Valves
Category: Valves
SubCategory: ButterflyValves
Manufacturer: ISV
Industry: BrewingBeverages;Chemical;DrinkingWaterTreatment;FoodBeverage;Marine;Mining;PaperMills;Pharmaceutical;PowerGeneration;Transportation;WaterTreatment
SubCategory: ButterflyValves
Manufacturer: ISV
Industry: BrewingBeverages;Chemical;DrinkingWaterTreatment;FoodBeverage;Marine;Mining;PaperMills;Pharmaceutical;PowerGeneration;Transportation;WaterTreatment
The ISV Butterfly Valve is a cast iron epoxy coated valve manufactured in accordance to ISO 5211 and is commonly used for flow isolation and regulation for industrial and commercial applications. Butterfly valves provide low pressure loss and leak free operation and are available with manual, electric or pneumatic actuation depending customer requirements.
Product description
• Body: Ductile Iron 0.7040 Epoxy Coated
• Seat: EPDM -25°C to +125°C
• Sizes: 50mm – 300mm
• Disc: Ductile Iron epoxy coated or Stainless Steel 1.4308 CF8M
• Dimensions: According to EN558 Series 20, ISO5752 Series 20
• Flanges: Wafer or fully lugged pattern to suit flanges PN6/10/16