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Talk to me about Pedro Gil Compact Vacuum group PG35/38-F1

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fluidity.nonstop fluidity

Pedro Gil Compact Vacuum group PG35/38-F1

Positive displacement vacuum pump designed for faster, easier and efficient maintenance.

Key specifications

  • Flows Up To 9600 m³/h

Product features

  • Efficient
  • Easy Maintenance
  • Wide range

Product description

The soundproof cabinet has doors which open to give access to the blower group to carry out regular maintenance, which can be done with the same speed as with an F-1. It is also possible to install several groups side by side without any interference between them saving space and with total access.

Current acoustic regulations have become an important element in most work environments. Pedro Gil have carried out acoustic studies to significantly improve this product. The units are made of galvanized iron and each panel has a core of fono absorbent, sound absorbing material.

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Cast Iron


Max. capacity
9600 m³/h
Min. capacity
100 m³/h
Eoin Cahill
Water & Wastewater, Power generation, Construction & Mining