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fluidity.nonstop fluidity

System Cleaners Hoses

Our hoses have been optimised through many years to meet the demands of processors, and can be applied for industrial cleaning in all segments of the food and beverage industry

User benefits

  • Flexible handling
  • Excellent kinking resistance
  • High-performing, safe and reliable hose capable of meeting the severe conditions of a processing environment.

Product features

  • Exceptional temperature performance
  • Six-layer design with double polyester reinforcement.
  • Designed in accordance with the specifications of directives 2007/19/EEC and 10/2011/EU, following the amendments for material in contact with foodstuffs.

Product description

Chemical resistance, durability and food grade properties are some of the characteristics essential for cleaning hoses.

We have a wide range of hoses available for all purposes in your cleaning process: inlet, outlet, air, suction hoses and related fittings. All our hoses are carefully selected with these characteristics in mind.

Let us help you find the right product from this product line


ISO 9001

Brian Coleman
Food & Beverage Sectors.