Talk to me about FLUX Liquid Meters
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SubCategory: DrumPumps
Manufacturer: Flux
Industry: BeautyPersonalCare;BuildingServices;Chemical;FoodBeverage;Pharmaceutical
Key specifications
- Flows Up To 380 l/min
- Pressure Up To 200 bar
Product features
- User Friendly, Simplified handling
- Different material variations.
- Different connections available.
- Can be used with pumps or in fixed pipework installations
- Various connection options, for use with existing automated systems.
- Atex rated
Product description
FMC 100 - Nutating Disc Type - for use with Drum pumps or for Fixed installation into pipework :
nutating disc type
-flowrates of 10 to 100 l/min
-measurement accuracy ± 1 %
-viscosity up to 2.500 mPas (cP)
-display in litres, Imperial gallons, US gallons or kilograms
-integral presettable batch controller up to 9.999 Litres
-easy to calibrate
-explosion-proof according to Directive 94/9/EC-ATEX 100 -
EC-Type Examination Certificate No. PTB 03 ATEX 2014
FMC 250 - Nutating Disc Type - for Fixed installation into pipework :
nutating disc type
-flowrates of 25 to 250 l/min
-measurement accuracy ± 1 %
-viscosity up to 2500 mPas (cP)
-display in litres, Imperial gallons, US gallons or kilograms
-integral presettable batch controller in conjunction with interface amplifier type FSV 100
-easy to calibrate
FMT - Interlocked Wheel Impeller type - for use with Laboratory pumps :
-interlocked wheel impeller in the measuring chamber
-Flowrate 5-50 l/min
-Viscosity max. 40 mPas (cP)
-Operating pressure at 20 °C 4 bar
-Operating temperature 10 °C up to max. + 50 °C
-Accuracy (not calibrated) ± 2 %
-Accuracy (calibrated) ± 1 %
-User-friendly handling
-5-digit LCD-Display
-indication of the
-subset and total (not resetable)
-fast and safe calibration
FMO - Oval Rotor type - for use with High Viscosity pumps or for fixed installation into Pipework :
-for flowrates of 2 - 350 l/min
-with electronic LCD unit (or without)
-oval rotor type
-oval rotors in version for low or high viscosity products
-very high measurement accuracy ± 0,5 %
-low pressure drop
-horizontal or vertical use
-display in litres, Imperial gallons, US gallons or kilograms
-integral batch controller up to 9.999 in conjunction with an interface amplifier
-explosion-proof according to Directive 94/9/EC-ATEX 100 - EC-Type Examination Certificate No. PTB 03 ATEX 2014
-jet-proof to IP 54