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Johnson Pump CombiTherm
Category: Pumps
SubCategory: CentrifugalPumps
Manufacturer: JohnsonPump
Industry: BuildingServices;Chemical;FertilizerProduction;FoodBeverage;HeatingWaterSanitation;Marine;OilGas;PaintResinProduction;PaperMills;Petrochemical;PlasticsProduction;PowerGeneration;Refineries
SubCategory: CentrifugalPumps
Manufacturer: JohnsonPump
Industry: BuildingServices;Chemical;FertilizerProduction;FoodBeverage;HeatingWaterSanitation;Marine;OilGas;PaintResinProduction;PaperMills;Petrochemical;PlasticsProduction;PowerGeneration;Refineries
Combitherm pumps ensures steady process temperatures while keeping damaging heat away from mechanical seal faces or bearings. High temperature transfer applications are not an issue anymore.
Key specifications
- Flows Up To 400 m³/h
- Pressure Up To 16 bar
Product description
Pump has been designed without a need of external cooling. The Throttle bush, journal bearing and seal placement reduces heat circulation throughout all pump length. This pump type is very popular in thermal oil transfer applications, high temperature water circulation and other applications where heat may create issues.