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Category: Pumps
SubCategory: CentrifugalPumps
Manufacturer: Argal
Industry: Agriculture;Chemical;HeatingWaterSanitation;WaterTreatment
SubCategory: CentrifugalPumps
Manufacturer: Argal
Industry: Agriculture;Chemical;HeatingWaterSanitation;WaterTreatment
Mag drive or mech sealed pumps for flows to 50 m3/hr
Key specifications
- Flows Up To 50 m³/h
Product features
- Mag drive or mech sealed.
- Dry running option available for mag drive models.
- PP or ETFE
- Single and double seals.
- Optional stainless steel casing reinforcement.
Product description
ROUTE pumps are available in magnetic driven and mechanical seal versions for pumping a diverse range of chemicals with impurities and suspended solids.
A patented system for dry running without damage is available for the magnetic driven “T” version. ARGAL’s ex-proof configuration made of PP or E-CTFE + carbon fiber makes ROUTE pumps ideal for operating in explosive atmospheres.
The pumps can also be fitted with a stainless steel casing harness to improve their physical robustness.
Strong magnetic coupling made of rare-earth materials(Neodimium Iron Boron) and “N” (standard), “P”(powered) or “S” (strongly powered) versions allow topump liquids with 1.05 - 1.35 - 1.8 specific grativy respectively.