Tank-vehicle filling equipment
CMM-1 product mixing and accounting node.
The equipment is intended for filling road tankers with:
- Clean fuel;
- Pure bio-fuel;
- Fuel / bio-fuel mix (*), in preset proportion (95 / 5%, or in any other proportion), with the equipment operating in autonomous mode.
(*) mixing of fuel is carried out using the flow method, ensuring smooth and continuous mixing of fuel and additives in certain proportions during the dispensing process and ensuring full automation of the technological process and control of the computer program.
The computer program integrated into the equipment ensures full automatic filling of the selected product into the tank-vehicle:
accurate product records;
* correct filling profile of tank vehicles – reduced product flow at the beginning and end of the loading process;
* correct mixing ratios throughout filling;
* liquid volume temperature compensation according to the tables included in the program in accordance with the methodology recommended by the API;
* switching on and off pumps and valves.
The installation shall be MID for verified commercial accounting.